
Leaving the toilet seat up. Using my toothbrush. Snoring. Staying well past his welcome. Depending where I am in my level of relationship needs, this stuff can either make or break how much further the romance will flourish. As with everything in life, tolerance levels are only an indicator of how into this guy I really am. 

So if I walk into the bathroom with my eyes half-closed and fall through the toilet because he left the seat up, I can pretty much tell by my reaction whether or not he'll have another opportunity try to flush my ass down again. 

 How much we put up with can sometimes be confused with how much love we have for someone. I wouldn't suggest making that mistake; the little things are only that - little things that under normal circumstances won't get on your nerves. Even if they do get in your nerves, these little things can be overlooked because there's so much happiness or other benefits to the relationship that overshadow. 

Have you ever noticed, though, that when you're nearing your end of the tolerance line that these little things make you want to flush him down the toilet? It's so minor - that shaved hair that he knocks out of the razor and sticks to the side of your sink. It's not difficult at all to rinse that shit out, is it? But it becomes phenomenally more irritating to do so when everything he does gets on your nerves. 

And this, my friends, is a sign that you're nearing the end of the yellow-brick road of tolerance. What do you do? Well that depends on how much you've invested, how much daily misery (or happiness) your relationship brings, how much you financially depend on someone (which - in honesty SHOULDN'T play a role but we all know it does) and what you have imagined for your future. 

So I suggest that you keep a mindful eye on the sink, and if he continues to clog the drain without using the Drano to fix the problem and you can't see past it (and he doesn't have the money and/or insight and/or motivation and/or brains to know he needs to buy it) then I say get the plunger and watch him magically disappear. It's amazing how well those plungers work.


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